Hypothesis, an online annotation tool
Recently, I learned a cool online annotation tool, Hypothesis, which lets webpage readers add, share, explore and save annotations online for free.
What can Hypothesis do
- Annotate and post publicly or save privately.
- Reply to or share any annotation publicly.
- Collaborate privately within a group.
- Explore public annotations and profiles.
For webpage creator
Adding Hypothesis to a webpage is easy. You simply need to add the following codes in the head of you html file.
<script async src="https://hypothes.is/embed.js"></script>
By default, the hypothesis client added an opened sidebar. You may change the default by adding the following codes.
<script type="application/json" class="js-hypothesis-config">
"openSidebar": false
More configurations for the Hypothesis client are available.
For readers
There are two things that have to be done before you make annotations on any webpage.
You need to sign up a free account at Hypothesis to annotate.
If the webpage is already Hypothesis enabled (a sidebar on the right is available.), then you are ready to annotate. Otherwise, you need to active Hypothesis. This can be done in a few ways.
If you use Chrome or Brave, you may add the Hypothesis extension to your browser. The benefit of this method is that you can even annotate pdf files in Chrome. (Note: Brave need a patch to do so.)
A browser independent way is to add the following link to bookmark.
<a class="fusion-button button-flat fusion-button-round button-medium button-default button-3 hyp-button-gray" href="javascript:(function(){window.hypothesisConfig=function(){return{showHighlights:true,appType:'bookmarklet'};};var d=document,s=d.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src','https://hypothes.is/embed.js');d.body.appendChild(s)})();" target="_self"> <span class="fusion-button-text"><hypothesis-highlight class="annotator-hl">Hypothesis Bookmarklet</hypothesis-highlight> </span> </a>
Using the proxy of Hypothesis via.hypothes.is.
For more information on how to use Hypothesis and how it can do, check the webpage Hypothesis Tutorials and How-Tos.